Ana Vaz Milheiro

Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Architecture at University of Lisbon (FAUL). Integrated PhD Researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-iscte and researcher at African Studies Center at University of Porto. Chair of the Cost Action CA18137 “European Middle-Class Mass Housing” (2019-23), supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Former IIAS Fellow (Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), from the research group “Re-Theorizing Housing as Architecture Research” (2019-2020). Pos-Doc in Architecture from the University of Porto. PhD (2004) in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Master (1998) and BA (1991) in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at Technic University of Lisbon. Principal Investigator of five research projects focused on architecture and urban planning issues in the former Portuguese colonial African countries and middle-class housing, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, including the ongoing projects “Middle-Class Mass Housing in Europe, Africa and Asia” and “Dominance and mass-violence through Housing and Architecture during colonial wars”. Author of “A Construção do Brasil – Relações com a Cultura Arquitectónica Portuguesa” (2005), “Nos Trópicos sem Le Corbusier – Arquitectura Luso-Africana no Estado Novo” (2012), awarded with the art and architecture critic and essayist prize by the Portuguese Section of AICA/ Fundação Carmona e Costa (2013), and “African Colonial Architectures - At the end of the ‘Portuguese Empire’” (2017). Invited researcher at Ghent University (2015-16) and Fellow Researcher at University of São Paulo (2018, funded by FAPESP - São Paulo). Curator in several institutional exhibitions as UIA RIO2021 (Rio de Janeiro 2021), Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino and Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon, 2019 and 2013). Professor of post-graduate programs since 2011 (ISCTE, FAUP, FAUL and Escola da Cidade – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo).