ESG for affordable housing - TU Delft
Published on 25-06-2024
On April 5, 2024, Alex Fernández and Assistant Professor Michael Peeters (TU Delft) hosted an event on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) for affordable housing. The event was intended as a dialogue between academia and practice to disseminate the findings of the RE-DWELL programme as well as establishing links with other initiatives and position TU Delft within the debate of sustainable finance in the built environment.
ISHF 2023 Seminar: Mass Renovation of Affordable Housing. Industrial and Social Innovations
Published on 28-07-2023
Seminar organized by RE-DWELL during the International Social Housing Festival, in Barcelona, on 7 June 2023.
Social housing providers are strategic partners in the EU’s strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Improving energy efficiency is a complex task requiring financial resources, technical expertise and residents’ consensus. This seminar organized by the RE-DWELL MSCA-ITN network brought together practitioners from a variety of fields to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to balancing affordability with sustainability requirements in social housing.
-Julien Dijol, Housing Europe, Belgium
-Paul Dufraisse, GreenFlex, France
-Alex Fernández, TU Delft, Netherlands
-Becky Ritchie, Clarion Housing Group, UK
-Nina Turull, Sostre Civic, Spain
Moderated by Adriana Diaconu, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
RE-DWELL Roundtable #4: How can community participation in the provision of affordable and sustainable housing be guided?
Published on 28-07-2022
This roundtable took place in the Universitat Politècnica de València, during the Valencia Summer School, on 14 July 2022.
The panel members were:
• Anne Kockelkorn, Assistant Professor of Dwelling in the Department of Architecture, TU Delft.
• Blanca Pedrola, architect, Associate Professor, CEU Cardenal Herrera University.
• Isabel González, architect, Fent Estudi Cooperative.
The discussion was moderated by:
• Nadia Charalambous, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, UCY.
RE-DWELL Roundtable #3: Community participation in the provision of affordable and sustainable housing
Published on 06-05-2022
This discussion took place in a blended format on March 26, as part of the Budapest workshop.
The panelists were:
• Jenny Pickerill, Professor of Environmental Geography and Head of Department of Geography at Sheffield University, England
• Richard Lang, Full Professor of Social Enterprise and Innovative Regions at Bertha von Suttner Private University in St. Pölten, Austria.
The discussion was moderated by Prof. Gerard van Bortel, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), TU Delft.
RE-DWELL Roundtable #2: Design of Affordable and Sustainable Housing: Challenges and Opportunities
Published on 22-12-2021
This roundtable took place in a blended format, in the University of Cyprus and on line, during the Nicosia Summer School, on November 16, 2021.
The participants were:
Darinka Czischke, Associate Professor, TU Delft
Lisa D. Iulo, Associate Professor of Architecture, Director of the Hamer Center for Community Design, Pennsylvania State University
Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway, Associate Professor, University of Barcelona
The session was moderated by Leandro Madrazo, School of Architecture La Salle.
RE-DWELL Roundtable #1: Transdisclipinary Research for Affordable and Sustainable Housing
Published on 23-09-2021
A roundtable on “Transdisclipinary Research for Affordable and Sustainable Housing” took place on Thursday 23, 2021.
The session was chaired by Flora Samuel, Professor at the University of Reading, UK, and the panel members were:
David Clapham, Professor of Housing and Urban Studies, University of Glasgow
Gilles Debizet, Professor in Urban Planning, University Grenoble Alpes
Doina Petrescu, Professor of Architecture and Design Activism, University of Sheffield
Ashraf Salama, Professor of Architecture, University of Strathclyde
Roundtable Video