Four reports on the RE-DWELL transdisciplinary research environment published ( D4.4, D4.5, D4.6 and D4.7 )
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Vocabulary for transdisciplinary research in affordable and sustainable housing

Posted on 22-11-2024

The RE-DWELL vocabulary serves two main purposes: Summarizing research findings: Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) distil their individual research findings into concepts that capture essential ideas related to affordable and sustainable housing. Sharing concepts: The vocabulary facilitates the sharing of concepts among researchers, highlighting their relevance for the common research and encouraging cross-disciplinary communication. As a repository of shared knowledge, the RE-DWELL vocabulary fosters a culture of collective learning among network members. Participants can access and engage with materials produced by their peers, broadening their understanding of various topics. It has been used as a learning resource in educational settings during network activities, such as peer reviewing, clustering concepts, and creating concept maps.    A total of 80 vocabulary entries have been created over the three-year project duration by ESRs, either individually or in collaboration with peers and supervisors.
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Case library for transdisciplinary research in affordable and sustainable housing

Posted on 22-11-2024

The case library is an integral part of the RE-DWELL training programme, helping researchers develop essential skills in desktop research, synthesis, and communication.   A case is organized into sections that include a description, its alignment with RE-DWELL's interconnected research areas—Design, Planning, and Building; Community Participation; and Policy and Financing—as well as its relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additional elements include references, related vocabulary, and publications. Each case also features a relational map illustrating links between concepts, cases, and publications, allowing users to explore the website content associatively.   The library includes a total of 43 cases distributed across four categories: Buildings and designs: 24 Participatory and learning processes: 7 Policy and financing: 11 Urban planning and regulations: 1
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Transdisciplinary Environment for Affordable and Sustainable Housing

Posted on 22-11-2024

This report presents the Transdisciplinary Environment for Affordable and Sustainable Housing (TEASH) developed in the three-year activity of the RE-DWELL network. Together with Deliverables 4.1-4.5 and 4.7, it represents the work done in the project to create a transdisciplinary learning and research environment spanning over academia, research and practice. The transdisciplinary learning and research environment built collaboratively throughout the project has been structured and systematized retrospectively to facilitate its understanding and future replication. The Transdisciplinary Environment for Affordable and Sustainable Housing (TEASH) is composed of four layers: Crossing disciplines, necessary to understand the challenges and trade-offs at stake, to identify strategies across disciplines and fields (see Deliverables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3) Linking academia and society, to collaboratively construct knowledge around specific housing problems, based on a tripartite structure: target, systems, and transformation knowledge. Exchanging knowledge, by means of tools and methods aimed at fostering the collaboration of the diverse stakeholders involved, experts and non-experts Building impact, creating outputs -white papers, guidelines, policy recommendations, academic publications- that facilitate a better understanding of the specific challenges that the various stakeholder involved are facing.

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Publication by ESR Zoe Tzika awarded

Published on 14-11-2024

ESR Zoe Tzika’s research on cooperative housing, ‘Towards Collective Forms of Dwelling: The Grant-of-Use Housing Cooperatives in Catalonia’ has been awarded the 2nd place in the Research Awards by the Càtedra de Innovació en Habitatge of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).   The award was achieved together with my supervisors Carla Sentieri Omarrementería and Anna Martínez Durán.
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Research co-authored by Tijn Croon (ESR11) cited in Dutch Parliament

Published on 31-10-2024

In a recent session on 24 October 2024, a Dutch parliamentary select committee on energy poverty referenced a study co-authored by Tijn Croon (ESR11), Marja Elsinga, and Joris Hoekstra, published last year in Energy Policy. The committee discussed the paper’s recommendation to go beyond a basic ‘headcount approach’ to measuring energy poverty, advocating instead for energy poverty gap indices. This approach, the authors argue, would more accurately capture the depth and nuance of deprivation, enabling better targeting of resources and improving the evaluation of policy impact.   Croon recently partnered with the other two co-authors of the study, TNO researchers Dr Peter Mulder and Dr Francesco Dalla-Longa to translate these findings into a Dutch policy report, now with updated national statistics. The Dutch Statistics Bureau (CBS) has expressed its intention to incorporate this refined methodology into the next annual energy poverty monitor.   The parliamentary session can be viewed here, and the full policy report is available on TNO’s website here.
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Featured PhD projects of ESRs Aya Elghandour and Mahmoud Alsaeed

Published on 18-09-2024

The Project Stack Archive is a digital archive that celebrates the continuous collaboration between the Sheffield School of Architecture (SSoA) at the University of Sheffield and the South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA). As part of this collaboration, the PhD projects of ESR5 Mahmoud Alsaeed and ESR4 Aya Elghandour are now featured in Live SYHA x SSoA Project Stack website.
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Learning from industry experts at Casais

Posted on 26-11-2024

Spending a month at Casais, a leader in industrialised construction, was an enlightening chapter in my academic journey. This secondment offered a unique opportunity to deepen my understanding on multi-family housing projects built with industrialised methods and explore ways to integrate customisation strategies within their processes. From semi-structured interviews with diverse practitioners to factory and site visits, the experience provided rich insights into both the potential and challenges of industrialised construction.   The cornerstone of my secondment was the series of interviews I conducted with key professionals across Casais and Blufab, its manufacturing division. Engaging with individuals like Miguel Pires, Technical Director, and Filipa Rocha, Project Coordinator, helped me appreciate the transdisciplinary collaboration integral to their operations. These conversations revealed how industrialised construction can optimise time, reduce waste, and enhance environmental sustainability through precision and digitisation.   Highlights included discussions on how prefabricated components, built in controlled environments, become traceable material banks that reduce lifecycle costs. Equally interesting were the efficiency gains from high levels of digitisation, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), and collaborative tools like a Common Data Environment (CDE). These enable effective coordination, clash control, and integration of learning loops to refine fabrication processes.   However, the interviews also shed light on significant barriers to customisation. A major challenge is the mismatch between traditional design approaches and industrialised systems like CREE or Blufab. Often, projects arriving at Casais are not designed with these systems and their constraints in mind, leading to inefficiencies when attempting to "industrialise" them post-design. Economic limitations and low digitisation further restrict flexibility, highlighting the need for early decision-making and client commitment to reap the full benefits of industrialised methods.   Factory visit to Blufab: Precision and Potential   At Blufab, I observed the production of bathroom pods—a fascinating glimpse into how standardisation and customisation could intersect. Each pod's light steel frame is pre-cut, labelled with unique codes, and mechanically assembled, ensuring both precision and future disassembly potential. Additionally, a Kanban system tracks assembly progress digitally, allowing managers to address delays promptly.   The potential for customisation in Casais’ assembly line lies in a catalogue of standard wall dimensions that enable variability while maintaining efficiency. However, introducing greater diversity in panel sizes can slow production, a challenge that could be addressed with increased automation. Sustainable innovations, such as replacing concrete bases with lightweight solutions and transitioning to horizontal tile installation, demonstrate how Casais continually refines its processes.   On-site at Valença   My visit to a student housing project in Valença offered a firsthand view of industrialised assembly. The structure and façade, built with the CREE system, and 3D bathroom pods exemplified just-in-time delivery and reduced on-site storage needs. Observing the interplay between traditional construction elements and prefabricated components highlighted the importance of understanding tolerances and sequencing for seamless assembly. Furthermore, analysing interconnected systems as a whole, rather than in isolation, proved vital for understanding the complex dynamics of industrialised construction.   Although the project’s standardised design suited its purpose as student housing, it highlighted the trade-offs between flexibility and efficiency. Insights from this visit will inform strategies for balancing standardisation and customisation in more varied housing typologies.   Towards a platform approach   One of the most promising takeaways from my secondment was recognising the potential of the platform approach. Unlike the current focus on standardising entire buildings, standardising individual components, its fabrication processes, controlling its supply chain and storing the company’s expertise, could enable greater flexibility and scalability. This shift could support customisation while maintaining efficiency, allowing  Casais to improve its housing solutions.   Reflections for my research   The secondment built on methodologies I developed during my earlier placements at La Salle and TU Delft. It allowed me to evaluate the industrialisation degree of a multi-family housing case study and identify barriers and enablers to implement mass customisation. By engaging with the professionals at Casais, I gained a deeper understanding of transdisciplinary collaboration’s role in fostering innovation.   These insights will nurture the study I am developing, outlining short-, medium-, and long-term strategies to integrate flexibility into industrialised housing projects. This approach aligns with Casais' broader goals of improving efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability in their construction systems.   All in all, my time at Casais reinforced the importance of bridging traditional construction mindsets with innovative approaches. By fostering collaboration and leveraging digital technologies, we can unlock the full potential of industrialised construction to create more resilient, adaptable housing solutions for the future.

Author: C.Martín (ESR14)


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Sostre Civic: Social Transformation through the Grant-of-use housing model

Posted on 25-11-2024

The housing crisis in Catalonia, as in much of Europe, has left many people struggling to access stable and affordable homes, as recently evidenced by the recent massive housing demonstrations. This reflects growing public frustration with raising rents and a speculative housing market that prioritizes profit over people. In this context, Sostre Civic has emerged as a key advocate for alternative housing models, challenging the dominance of speculative and profit-driven approaches. During my secondment with Sostre Civic, I had the opportunity to visit several projects, engage with residents, participate in activities organized by the cooperative and its various groups, and deepen my understanding of this alternative housing model.   A Democratic Approach to Housing Founded in 2004, Sostre Civic is a non-profit cooperative that serves as an umbrella organization to support housing cooperative groups. Over the past decade, the organization has significantly scaled up, creating and supporting a diverse range of housing projects. These initiatives offer varied typologies, tenure models, group compositions, and approaches to accessing land, achieving the diversification of the housing landscape. Membership in Sostre Cívic is open to everyone, allowing individuals to contribute to the collective governance of the organization and shape its mission. Decisions are made collectively, ensuring that the cooperative remains grounded in the values and needs of its members. Cooperative housing projects are not independent initiatives within Sostre Civic; they are integral to the organization as a whole. This means that residents are members of Sostre Cívic and must meet social housing criteria. Currently Sostre Civic has: 25 housing projects, spanning urban and rural contexts. A growing membership of over 1500 members. Numerous groups in the process of forming new housing initiatives. Projects have spread from the city of Barcelona to the rest of Catalonia This expansion reflects the increasing demand for non-speculative, people-centered housing solutions.   Housing Through the Right-of-Use Model Central to Sostre Cívic’s mission is the right-of-use model, which moves away from traditional ownership and rental systems. This model operates based on key principles: Collective Ownership: The property is either retained by the cooperative or held publicly, ensuring it remains permanently outside speculative markets and serves as a long-term resource for affordable housing. Residents manage their project collectively and enjoy indefinite rights to live in the building. Affordability: Members pay an initial entry fee and a monthly fee, both of which are designed to be significantly lower than market rates. These fees are directly tied to the costs of the project and are not influenced by real estate market fluctuations. In this direction, Sostre Civic has created the first cooperative construction company in Catalonia. Stability and Flexibility: Residents have long-term housing security while retaining the option to transfer their right of use if they choose to leave, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for new members. This model not only provides housing security but also safeguards affordability for future generations, creating a sustainable alternative to speculative property markets.   Advocacy for Systemic Change In addition to developing and supporting housing projects, Sostre Cívic is also advocating for systemic change in housing policy. The organization tries to address structural barriers and promote cooperative housing as a viable solution to the housing crisis. Their advocacy efforts include: Promoting access to public land for cooperative housing projects, ensuring land serves social purposes rather than speculative interests. Simplifying bureaucratic processes to facilitate the creation and expansion of non-speculative housing. Developing financing mechanisms to access private land and support new projects, making cooperative housing accessible to a wider and more diverse population. Raising public awareness of cooperative housing as a scalable and effective solution to the housing crisis. Through these efforts, Sostre Civic works to embed cooperative housing into broader housing policies, ensuring the long-term viability and growth of this model.   By studying the cases of Sostre Civic, I had the opportunity to witness that alternative approaches to housing provision and ways of dwelling are possible. While challenges remain, the grant-of-use model has been evolving, providing valuable experimentation and insights into creating more equitable and sustainable ways to address housing needs.

Author: Z.Tzika (ESR10)


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Housing Europe Secondment: When Technical Retrofit Meets Social Value

Posted on 22-11-2024

"You have too much of a social agenda," my former architecture director once told me. Years later, that same agenda landed me at the heart of European housing policy in Brussels, just as the continent launches its most ambitious retrofit program ever.   The timing was perfect. I'd just finished studying Barcelona's HOUSEFUL project, where resident engagement in retrofit saw mixed results. Now at Housing Europe - the European Federation of Public, Cooperative & Social Housing - I could investigate how stakeholders across Europe navigate this challenge, especially with the European Performance Building Directive (EPBD) under review.   My first reality check came at the European Sustainable Energy Week. I watched policy discussions leap from "energy justice" to "demand-side flexibility" in seconds flat. When one speaker dismissed concerns about staying up to do nighttime laundry with "that's where automation comes in," I realised how quickly human needs get lost in technical solutions.   From Research to Action   This disconnect sparked my investigation. Through Housing Europe's network, I interviewed stakeholders across the continent about balancing technical requirements with resident needs in retrofit. The pattern was clear: housing providers struggle to merge energy targets with real people's lives.   Action followed insight. I co-organised two events at the International Social Housing Festival in Barcelona. Our workshop on "Resident Engagement Practices" revealed the constant tension between performance metrics and resident needs. But it was during our webinar "People at the Centre of District Renovations" for the European Affordable Housing Consortium SHAPE-EU, that everything clicked. I kicked off by presenting the results of a semi-systematic review into social housing retrofit with resident participation, setting the context for why resident engagement matters. We then brought together voices from every scale: VIPASA showcased district-level engagement in Asturias, Fingal County Council presented building-scale solutions in Ireland, and TU Delft demonstrated tenant-level innovations. The insights were striking. When residents were treated as experts rather than obstacles, projects saw reduced performance gaps between predicted and actual energy savings. In Asturias, residents' knowledge of local wind patterns helped refine ventilation strategies. In Ireland, understanding how families used their homes led to more effective heating solutions than pure technical specifications would have suggested.   Most tellingly, when resident engagement started early and remained consistent, retrofit projects saw higher satisfaction rates, better uptake of new technologies, and fewer post-completion issues. This wasn't just about consultation – it was about recognising that residents hold crucial expertise about their homes, their communities, and their daily needs. Their knowledge can transform retrofit from a technical exercise focused solely on energy metrics into genuine home improvement that enhances quality of life.   Bridging the Gap   The highlight came in Vienna, where I moderated the roundtable "Practical difficulties co-creating renovation projects with residents" for the SHAPE-EU Bootcamp. The panel brought together diverse expertise: Wohnpartner Vienna's community work specialists, Helsingborgshem's bottom-up neighbourhood development team from Sweden, and Vilnius City's one-stop-shop renovation experts.   Key discussions centered on critical challenges: How do we ensure resident input comes from truly representative groups, not just those with time to participate? What's the balance between individual rights and collective benefits in the energy transition? How can retrofit foster new communities, especially when residents are temporarily relocated?   The session fed directly into the Social Innovation Blueprint - a practical guide being developed to help housing providers deliver district renovations that prioritise social value alongside technical requirements. As moderator, I steered conversations through thorny issues including managing resident trust, integrating diverse needs, and safeguarding good practices through political changes. Most compelling was the discussion about skills gaps - not just in technical retrofit, but in the specific competencies needed to work effectively in occupied homes.   Housing Europe taught me something crucial: the growing divide between techno-optimist approaches and resident needs isn't inevitable. My interviews revealed housing providers successfully bridging this gap through hybrid decision-making, where resident expertise helps balance building needs, energy requirements, and social priorities.   That director was right – I do have an agenda. But it's one shared by many professionals I met through Housing Europe. It's an agenda recognising that sustainable retrofit isn't just about technical solutions; it's about creating processes that empower residents to shape their homes' future.   As I return to my research, I carry not just data, but conviction. The path to successful social housing retrofit lies at the intersection of technical expertise and resident knowledge. As many interviewees mentioned, we must ensure social housing residents don't become mere 'guinea pigs' for testing retrofit solutions – their expertise in how they live should be central to the process.   The social agenda lives on, more vital than ever.   ****   // The results of the thematic analysis from these stakeholder interviews will be published in 2025, offering new insights into how housing providers across Europe are integrating resident expertise in retrofit design. // The Webinar "People at the Centre of District Renovations" can be viewed here: // The ShapeEU: Affordable Housing Initiative Bootcamp can be viewed here:  

Author: S.Furman (ESR2)


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The combined knowledge provided by experts from the different fields and domains will contribute to create a transdisciplinary research framework in which early-stage career researchers (ESRs) will develop their individual projects on affordable and sustainable housing.

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9 European countries. Spain, France, UK, Croatia, Hungary, Cyprus, Netherlands, Portugal and Belgium.

10 higher-education institutions. The universities are represented by experts from several disciplines related to housing: architecture and planning, building and construction, sociology, economy, and law.

12 non-academic partner organisations. Partner organisations include construction companies, private and public developers, local administrations, research and advocacy groups, housing associations, social and international organizations.

in a nutshell

15 early-stage researchers investigate affordable and sustainable housing by intertwining design, planning and building, community participation and policy and financing.

a consortium of 22 organizations covering a range of academic disciplines and professional fields working on housing

a comprehensive training programme, with network specific courses complemented with training in the PhD programmes of the host universities

a blended learning environment to integrate onsite and online activities distributed across institutions

3 Workshops in Lisbon, Budapest and Zagreb; 3 Summer Schools in Nicosia, Valencia and Reading; and 2 international conferences in Grenoble and Barcelona

25 academic supervisors and co-supervisors supporting the individual research projects

a wide range of outreach activities to engage communities and professional organizations in the research and in the exploitation of research outputs