Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway

Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway, Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, is Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at the University of Barcelona (UB).
Since 1992, professor Pareja-Eastaway devotes her research to the analysis of urban problems and in particular, its impact on social, cultural and economic aspects. Multidisciplinary and comparative analyses are constant in her career together with her participation in professional projects in collaboration with public and / or private bodies, beyond academic research. She has been principal investigator in three projects funded by the European Union (SOCOHO, “The Importance of housing systems in safeguarding social cohesion” (2000-2003); RESTATE “Restructuring Large-scale Housing Estates in European Cities: Good Practices and New Visions for Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Cities”; ACRE, “Accommodating Creative Knowledge - Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions Within the Enlarged Union” (2007-2010). She is currently leading the UB team in two H2020 projects (CICERONE, “Closing the loop on circular economy programming and funding”, SPOT, “Social and innovative Platform On cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanisation”).
She has been involved in three cooperation projects participated by the University of Barcelona and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Chile funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI): “Building networks: research and analysis on housing’. LANHUR Project. Latin American Network for Housing and Urban Research (2008)”; and “Renewal of neighbourhoods in Chile and Spain: analysis of the processes of intervention and evaluation’ I and II (2008 and 2009)”
Since 1992, professor Pareja-Eastaway devotes her research to the analysis of urban problems and in particular, its impact on social, cultural and economic aspects. Multidisciplinary and comparative analyses are constant in her career together with her participation in professional projects in collaboration with public and / or private bodies, beyond academic research. She has been principal investigator in three projects funded by the European Union (SOCOHO, “The Importance of housing systems in safeguarding social cohesion” (2000-2003); RESTATE “Restructuring Large-scale Housing Estates in European Cities: Good Practices and New Visions for Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Cities”; ACRE, “Accommodating Creative Knowledge - Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions Within the Enlarged Union” (2007-2010). She is currently leading the UB team in two H2020 projects (CICERONE, “Closing the loop on circular economy programming and funding”, SPOT, “Social and innovative Platform On cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanisation”).
She has been involved in three cooperation projects participated by the University of Barcelona and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Chile funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI): “Building networks: research and analysis on housing’. LANHUR Project. Latin American Network for Housing and Urban Research (2008)”; and “Renewal of neighbourhoods in Chile and Spain: analysis of the processes of intervention and evaluation’ I and II (2008 and 2009)”