Emergence of technologies without the existence of a reliable supply chain for long-term maintenance
Created on 16-10-2023
The emergence of new technologies, such as replacing gas boilers with heat pumps in England to promote sustainability, could be hindered by the lack of a reliable supply chain for long-term house maintenance. The adoption of such technologies has not been widespread. For instance, SYHA, a 50-year-old housing association in England, prioritizes relying on trustworthy providers who can ensure the longevity of house maintenance. The adoption process for a new technology that lacks a reliable provider for long-term support becomes complex, as every penny spent is a responsibility.
Systems knowledge
Housing developers
Non-profit and for-profit housing organisations that undertake various tasks, such as the construction and management of housing.
Target knowledge
Building sustainability
The practise of designing, constructing and operating buildings in a way that minimises their negative impact on the environment and promotes long-term environmental, social and economic sustainability.
The structure, project or development that is directly impacted by the various building regulations.
Transformation Knowledge
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