Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
TU Delft, Netherlands
Since its foundation 110 years ago, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment has built up a solid international reputation for training architects, urban planners and designers, as well as for its research portfolio and coaching of PhD candidates. With around 2600 students and 500 staff members, with around 230 FTEs devoted to academic positions, our faculty is one of the most prestigious architecture and the built environment faculties globally as demonstrated by our number 2 position in the global QS-ranking 2020. Traditionally, the faculty has prioritised high-quality training in design and research in the field of the built environment. Over 40 chairs cover a wide range of academic areas in design, process and technology, policy and finance which together cover the entire field of the built environment. These chairs have wide experience in acquiring, leading and executing cross country research projects.