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Newsletter 5 - December 2023

Published on 12-12-2023

In the December newsletter, we summarize the work done since July 2023. Two key network events occurred during this period: the Reading Summer School in July and a plenary meeting of the network at TU Delft in October.


The summer school featured presentations on the ongoing work of the ESRs, training activities, and discussions on the development of the RE-DWELL framework for affordable and sustainable housing. Additionally, it included sessions from the last two courses of the RE-DWELL training program: Research, Methods and Tools (RMT3) and Transferable Skills (TS3).


The primary focus of the Delft meeting was to discuss the ongoing development of the RE-DWELL transdisciplinary research framework for affordable and sustainable housing. Continuing in the section "Voices of RE-DWELL," network members provide commentaries on their experience at the Reading summer school and about the meeting in Delft.


More information at RE-DWELL Newsletter #5

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