Alexandra Paio
Supervisor ESR13 and ESR14; co-supervisor ESR1 - Host coordinator
Bachelor in Architecture, Master in Urban design and PhD in Architecture and Urbanism. Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at ISCTE-IUL. Director of the PhD Program in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories. Scientific coordinator and Researcher at Vitruvius FabLab-IUL and DINÂMIA’CET ISCTE-IUL research center. Co-Director of MDI - Master in Digital Innovation for Design Practices partnership SCTE-IUL and Faculty of Architecture, Porto University. Local Manager of the “OIKOnet. A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning” European project Lifelong Learning Programme (539369-LLP-1-ES-ERASMUS-ENW) and researcher on TEL@FTELa - Technology Enhanced Learning at Future Teacher Education Lab (PTDC/MHC-CED/0588/2014). Her main research interests are: Computational Design, Digital tools and processes to support the creative design, Participatory design and public urban spaces, Interactive architecture, Shape Grammars and Digital Fabrication.
Pappa, A., & Paio, A. (2023, October). The role of commons-oriented policies in the transformation of urban governance: The case of the participatory budget BIP/ZIP in Lisbon [Poster Presentation]. In 2nd Conference on Participatory Design. Transforming the City: Public Space & Environment, Inequalities & Democracy. Athens, Greece.
Posted on 12-02-2025