Ivan Rimac
Co-supervisor ESR6

Host university
B4 - Institute for Social Policy-ISP, University of ZagrebIvan Rimac is head of Department of Social Work, University of Zagreb. He did PhD in psychology with the topic on changing importance of political issues during Croatian war for independence at Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. Beside intensive research in different social science disciplines (psychology, sociology, social policy, demography, political science, education), he has been teaching social science research methodology on University of Zagreb since 1998 at undergraduate (psychology, sociology, journalism, political science, social work and social policy, anthropology) and PhD level (social work and policy, sociology). He is long-time member of European Values Study Methodology Group.
Rimac’s current work is focused on social condition of students (Eurostudent project), employability (Eurograduate project) and development of European graduate tracking infrastructure (Expert group on graduate tracking – DG EAC Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) and approach to social services for persons with great poverty risk.
Rimac’s current work is focused on social condition of students (Eurostudent project), employability (Eurograduate project) and development of European graduate tracking infrastructure (Expert group on graduate tracking – DG EAC Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) and approach to social services for persons with great poverty risk.