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Lucia Chaloin


Lucia obtained a master degree in Sociology and Social Sciences at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, gaining experience in qualitative methods for social research and urban studies. She developed a thesis on cultural approaches and welfare, valued with highest marks by the commission. Her formation comprises Community Welfare Management and Social Impact Management.

She gained experience in observing and analysing social innovation processes developing social impact framework for community welfare development working with Aiccon, Association for non-profit and cooperation culture. She has gained competences in research action methodology and co-design research, working for Horizon 2020 program ENLIGHTENme in collaboration with London School of Economics and Urban Innovation Foundation together with the Municipality of Bologna. She developed co-design competences as well as pedagogic skills to pursue a research-action on a district of the city of Bologna concerning youth and territory

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September, 18, 2023

Governance systems for social innovation in housing: risks, opportunities and new strategies for public action


The project derives its origins from the hypothesis that new forms of governance are needed to support innovative solutions in the field of housing. Innovative partnerships may better respond to fast-changing needs of the population, in particular with the emergence of new profiles of vulnerability. Even if public housing is at risk to reproduce social hardship in deprived neighbourhoods, it also represents resources of affordable housing. From this perspective, the project puts forward the need to reboot the mechanisms of social housing by finding new directions for public action in this field, since public housing neighbourhoods often coincide with fragility concentration. The aim of this research is to provide an assessment of governance systems’ ability to support innovative affordable solutions to housing needs. Target groups will be certain vulnerable sections of the population that face difficulties in accessing housing according to their needs and financial possibilities: young people and people with migration background. The focus will be placed on recent co-housing projects with innovative formulas for these two social categories, along with differences and relationships between them and between the newcomers and the other residents of the area.


The research will focus on studying arenas of encounter of new local actors that integrate systems of housing governance with more traditional ones. The challenge for renewing the social housing device is to connect institutional actors’ networks with bottom-up initiatives of social housing innovation and create new forms of governance. Therefore, this research aims at observing local networks through a social innovation analytical framework, and seeks to understand relational systems of stakeholders, assetholders and beneficiaries. The relational ecosystems that support local governance systems will be analysed to clarify the types of features (e.g. heterogeneity and plurality in governance) needed to provide impact-oriented housing solutions.


The research develops across two southern European national housing systems that share the same characteristics such as a small public housing stock and very limited public expenses on housing: Portugal and Italy. In the city of Bologna, in Italy, will be studied the case of the first Italian cohousing experience completely managed by the public administration within the field of youth policies. Based on the Lisbon municipality's experience in deprived neighbourhoods (BIP ZIP programmes), Portugal can provide interesting elements for widening the analytical framework and for analysing local public action in a European context similar to the Italian one. A case study will be then individuated in the Lisbon metropolitan area to be compared with the one in Bologna.


Mixed methods will mainly entail spatial analysis with an ethnographic approach. The spatial analysis will address historical reconstruction of public housing distribution across neighbourhoods and its transformations in new projects. This to understand the distribution of innovative housing projects across priority neighbourhoods and not. Furthermore, the ethnographic investigation along with that of chosen housing schemes will provide a deep understanding of risks and opportunities for the new forms of public action. New perspectives will emerge for facilitating the provision of housing that is both affordable for social groups that are excluded from the housing market and that contributes to the sustainable evolution of these neighbourhoods.

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A hidden potentiality on the field

Posted on 11-07-2024

At the beginning of 2024, I conducted a secondment at the Department of housing policies at Lisbon City Council. Since I was carrying out research on collaborative housing and innovation, I searched for an experiment in the field of housing to compare with the case I studied in Bologna. The Italian case (co-housing Porto15) had been developed through a public intervention that aimed to build a community of residents that shared spaces and promoted a more sustainable lifestyle in the neighbourhood. My colleagues from the housing policies department where I was based piqued my interest by telling me about an innovative rehabilitation project that experimented with Tetris to avoid relocating residents into temporary housing. Thus, it aimed to protect the community living there. The construction site was confined to a part of the building while residents continued to live in the remaining part, with the living place and the building site switching in the subsequent phases of the project. This is Vila Romão, an old workers' villa owned by the Municipality of Lisbon, which was undergoing rehabilitation during my secondment due to the precarious conditions of the building. The municipality of Lisbon and the construction team took on the challenge of integrating residents into the retrofitting project, considering this the most suitable approach to the residents’ needs and life conditions. What was even more interesting was that this challenge concealed another one: the integration of a vulnerable resident population into a retrofitting project. The municipality faced this challenge by successfully involving individuals with special social skills in the renovation works. The building company carrying on the renovation was unique in agreeing to work under conditions that required extra workload for temporary connections of electricity, gas, and energy, and their maintenance, along with continuous efforts to interact with residents. Additionally, the municipal coordinator of the rehabilitation was explicitly chosen by the municipality for her profile and attitude. She was favourable to working in an environment of close proximity with residents and appreciated human contact. Upon arriving for my first site visit, it became clear that the project activated unusual dynamics of collaboration and housing coexistence. I wouldn’t thought the municipality’s staff together with the building company would have been fulfilling some kind of locally-based social assistance. In fact, the integration of residents was not only physical but also social and relational. The residents and the construction team crossed each other’s space trajectories, had continuous daily interactions and developed a singular urban coexistence. I surprisingly observed effective neighborhood ties between the team of construction workers, the municipal services overseeing the on-site work, and the residents of the building. The residents were predominantly elderly individuals, part of a historical working-class community. Most residents were significantly frail and supported by a social worker due to mental, social, or physical challenges that obstructed their daily life. Indeed, the continuous presence of civil servants, engineers, construction workers, and the entire building team created opportunities for residents to seek for practical and social help. R. (86 years old, F) said that they are "all good kids" and she could ask several times for practical tasks like moving furniture or retrieving a cat stuck behind an armchair. E. (82 years old, M) said that it now feels like being back with family, just like when he was a child. What I found particularly valuable was that in this unusual situation of living on a building site, with noise, confusion, dust, and waste storage, residents had the opportunity to be heard, to talk to someone, and to receive a kind of social assistance  for different unmet needs, including administrative and digital ones. I was very enthusiastic to see that help relations were reciprocal: residents played an important role in the progress of the construction works. They acted as proper guardians and controlled the site, providing significant help against risks such as theft of building materials or the access of unauthorized persons. In this way, they gained a different role than merely being beneficiaries of a renovation project and passively receiving a service. Integrating vulnerable residents into a retrofitting project, which seemed to be a hidden challenge, finally appeared to have a huge potential. The environment I perceived was one of genuine mutual help and intense neighbourhood relations, where actors seized the opportunity not to be bound to social positions and to develop capacities to switch roles   Actors engaged in a kind of role-playing that allowed professionals from the design and building fields to learn how to interact with a frail population, playing the role of social workers, while residents assumed roles of responsibility, becoming guardians and social controllers. A hidden challenge potentiality on the field At the beginning of 2024, I conducted a secondment at the Department of housing policies at Lisbon City Council. Since I was carrying out research on collaborative housing and innovation, I searched for an experiment in the field of housing to compare with the case I studied in Bologna. The Italian case (co-housing Porto15) had been developed through a public intervention that aimed to build a community of residents that shared spaces and promoted a more sustainable lifestyle in the neighbourhood. My colleagues from the housing policies department where I was based piqued my interest by telling me about an innovative rehabilitation project that experimented with Tetris to avoid relocating residents into temporary housing. Thus, it aimed to protect the community living there. The construction site was confined to a part of the building while residents continued to live in the remaining part, with the living place and the building site switching in the subsequent phases of the project. This is Vila Romão, an old workers' villa owned by the Municipality of Lisbon, which was undergoing rehabilitation during my secondment due to the precarious conditions of the building. The municipality of Lisbon and the construction team took on the challenge of integrating residents into the retrofitting project, considering this the most suitable approach to the residents’ needs and life conditions. What was even more interesting was that this challenge concealed another one: the integration of a vulnerable resident population into a retrofitting project. The municipality faced this challenge by successfully involving individuals with special social skills in the renovation works. The building company carrying on the renovation was unique in agreeing to work under conditions that required extra workload for temporary connections of electricity, gas, and energy, and their maintenance, along with continuous efforts to interact with residents. Additionally, the municipal coordinator of the rehabilitation was explicitly chosen by the municipality for her profile and attitude. She was favourable to working in an environment of close proximity with residents and appreciated human contact. Upon arriving for my first site visit, it became clear that the project activated unusual dynamics of collaboration and housing coexistence. I wouldn’t thought the municipality’s staff together with the building company would have been fulfilling some kind of locally-based social assistance. In fact, the integration of residents was not only physical but also social and relational. The residents and the construction team crossed each other’s space trajectories, had continuous daily interactions and developed a singular urban coexistence. I surprisingly observed effective neighborhood ties between the team of construction workers, the municipal services overseeing the on-site work, and the residents of the building. The residents were predominantly elderly individuals, part of a historical working-class community. Most residents were significantly frail and supported by a social worker due to mental, social, or physical challenges that obstructed their daily life. Indeed, the continuous presence of civil servants, engineers, construction workers, and the entire building team created opportunities for residents to seek for practical and social help. R. (86 years old, F) said that they are "all good kids" and she could ask several times for practical tasks like moving furniture or retrieving a cat stuck behind an armchair. E. (82 years old, M) said that it now feels like being back with family, just like when he was a child. What I found particularly valuable was that in this unusual situation of living on a building site, with noise, confusion, dust, and waste storage, residents had the opportunity to be heard, to talk to someone, and to receive a kind of social assistance  for different unmet needs, including administrative and digital ones. I was very enthusiastic to see that help relations were reciprocal: residents played an important role in the progress of the construction works. They acted as proper guardians and controlled the site, providing significant help against risks such as theft of building materials or the access of unauthorized persons. In this way, they gained a different role than merely being beneficiaries of a renovation project and passively receiving a service. Integrating vulnerable residents into a retrofitting project, which seemed to be a hidden challenge, finally appeared to have a huge potential. The environment I perceived was one of genuine mutual help and intense neighbourhood relations, where actors seized the opportunity not to be bound to social positions and to develop capacities to switch roles   Actors engaged in a kind of role-playing that allowed professionals from the design and building fields to learn how to interact with a frail population, playing the role of social workers, while residents assumed roles of responsibility, becoming guardians and social controllers.  



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